Proverbs 26:17
17 Like one who takes a dog by the ears Is he who passes by and meddles with strife not belonging to him. (NASB)
17 Like one who takes a dog by the ears Is he who passes by and meddles with strife not belonging to him. (NASB)
All my life I’ve heard about “The Straw That Broke
The Camel’s Back”. In our fast-paced, unrelenting, world we pick up offences
easily, and quickly. They fill the invisible baskets on our backs – from the
discourteous stranger driving next to us on the freeway, to our closest family
member or friend – everyone has and freely uses the power to offend.
A few days ago a flaw in my integrity was brought
to my attention. A close and trusted individual ask me if I was aware of how
many times I had disappointed them. Shocked – I responded with, “What do you
mean?” They answered my question with brutal detail, and all I should have done
was gently ask them to forgive me.
Do you think that’s what happened?
No – This story does not end that simply.
Immediately upon hearing their “legitimate” complaints, my defenses kicked in
and the tit-for-tat list came gushing out of my being like an unstoppable
desert flash-flood. All that could be done at that point was “get out of the
way”. For the better part of the day I was in a dark, depressing, and very
stormy mood.
This camel’s back was burdened down to the limit.
The baskets were already overflowing, then it happened. The straw – The last
straw – The straw that broke the camel’s back: “How can you be a Pastor, and
get so frustrated?”
Before anyone gets the wrong idea and stops
reading, the flaw in my integrity is: I take on more projects than I can
complete in specific time frames. Does anyone else find themselves, long on good
intentions, but short on time to complete projects?
James 3:2
2 For in many things
we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and
able also to bridle the whole body. (KJV)
None of us is perfect. We are all human and
subject to the many mistakes available daily. We always have reason to forgive
and be forgiven. How do we drop the offences and accept the forgiveness? It is
all bound to the abundance of our heart. On any given day we ALL (ministers
included) walk the fine line between Saint and Sinner. Are we feeding our flesh
and gorging ourselves on the All-You-Can-Eat Buffett of offences, or are we
feeding our spirit the Life-Giving-Word of the Father?
Luke 6:45
45 A good man brings
good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil
things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the
heart is full of. (NIV)
My goal, and I’m sure your goal, is to be trees of
righteousness producing good fruit as-well-as being springs of living water
refreshing to all. The key is walking in the power of forgiveness. We must
forgive ourselves and freely offer forgiveness to ALL those who have offended
us. Being able to do that requires us to “Let Go” – Casting ALL our cares upon
the Lord.
The truth is we learn more from our failures than we do from our successes. God will wake us up and call us back to Him. As we experience this ongoing process our down turns become fewer and farther between until the day we see ourselves in the image of Christ. His love working in us will replace the Flash-Flood of our frustration with the cool, sweet, eternally thirst-quenching water of the Holy Spirit.
The truth is we learn more from our failures than we do from our successes. God will wake us up and call us back to Him. As we experience this ongoing process our down turns become fewer and farther between until the day we see ourselves in the image of Christ. His love working in us will replace the Flash-Flood of our frustration with the cool, sweet, eternally thirst-quenching water of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 10:8
8 Heal the sick,
cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received,
freely give. (KJV)
Lay down the offences of the day. Don’t be afraid
to knock the rough edges from our friends by sharing open and honest feelings,
and when we are the ones being sharpened, respond with Grace, Love,
FORGIVENESS, and patience.
Proverbs 27:17
17 Iron sharpeneth
iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. (KJV)
We are
our brother’s keeper. Accountability does not condemn it offers Grace and
forgiveness – Two lanes of the same highway. The road that leads to
righteousness, peace and love is paved with accountability.
Thanks for holding me
to the High Standard – I’ll hold you there as well. Forgive and be Forgiven.
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